Press Release – October 13, 2023

L’Association des Industries d’Haïti (ADIH)salue et exprime sa solidarité envers toutes les concitoyennes et tous les concitoyens qui exhortent le gouvernement haïtien à garder fermées les frontières avec la République Dominicaine.Les cris de cœur déterminés de nos compatriotes, réclamant cette décision, sont entendus et appréciés. French Version Creole Version

Press Release – September 30, 2023

Following the press release dated Saturday September 23rd, 2023, that called for Haitiancitizens to engage for a better country Governance, the Associations des Industries d’Haïti (ADIH) launches a call to all members of government and to the concerned ministries. French Version English Version Creole Version

Press Release – September 23, 2023

The era of firm dialogue is at hand to resolve differences, in mutual respect, not in the arbitrary, certainly less in arrogance! Let’s All wake-up for a better Governance addressing the fundamental needs of our Citizens, first bringing back Security, investing in the most vulnerable areas, in our National Production, and in diversifying our sources […]
